Neighborhood Watch is a program where neighbors of a particular community join together with the Sheriff’s Office to assist in the reporting of any criminal activity. Neighborhood Watch participants normally operate during hours when criminal activity is most likely to occur. If criminal activity is observed, members of the program are required to immediately notify the Sheriff’s Office and are not permitted to intervene.
A Deputy Sheriff patrolling your neighborhood may not recognize a stranger in your yard but your neighbor will. Neighbors know who you are and the type of vehicle you drive. They may be the first to notice an unfamiliar face at your window or door, or a strange car in your driveway. For this reason, the Neighborhood Watch Program can be a very effective tool in assisting law enforcement in keeping your community safe.
All Neighborhood Watch programs share one fundamental idea which is to bring community members together to reestablish control of their neighborhoods and promote an increased quality of life while at the same time helping to reduce the crime rate in that particular area.
The reason for this effectiveness is rather simple: Involving community members in Neighborhood Watch Programs decreases the opportunity for criminals to commit crime.
Neighborhood Watch Tips:
- Suspicious individuals or activities
- Someone screaming or shouting for help
- Property being taken out of houses or buildings where no one is home
- A stranger running through private yards
- Vehicles passing by numerous times or suspiciously parked in areas that you would not normally see them
Protect Yourself:
- Use good lighting
- Use good security locks
- Keep shrubbery trimmed
- Lock all doors and windows whenever your house is unoccupied
- Let a trusted neighbor know when you are on vacation. Don’t advertise it!
- Stop deliveries and have all mail picked up
Neighborhood Watch Brochure (PDF) (DOC)
For more information on Neighborhood Watch Program contact: Special Operations Lt. Chauncey Mason at (904) 548-4072 or email questions or concerns to cmason@nassauso.com
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