Bobby Lippelman
Bobby Lippelman joined Sheriff Leeper’s administration as General Counsel in February of 2013. Bobby is a graduate of the University of Florida (B.S., 1998) and Vermont Law School (J.D., 2002; M.S.E.L., MagnaCum Laude, 2002). Before joining Sheriff Leeper’s administration, Bobby was appointed and served as an Assistant State Attorney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida (Nassau, Duval, and Clay counties) for almost nine years. Bobby was assigned as a senior trial attorney in several divisions, including the Repeat Offender Court and Special Prosecution divisions. Bobby was a member of the State Attorney’s Office Homicide Unit for two years and later supervised all wiretap and long-term, major drug trafficking and gang racketeering related prosecutions arising in State Court in the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Bobby received an award from the State Attorney’s Office for completing the highest number of jury trials in the Fourth Judicial Circuit in 2007. After his tenure as an Assistant State Attorney, Bobby concentrated his legal practice in civil litigation as an associate attorney in a Jacksonville law firm and later as a managing member and founder of a law firm serving clients in Nassau, Duval, and Clay counties. While serving as General Counsel for NCSO, Bobby attended and graduated from the Florida Gateway College police academy in 2016 (Class Valedictorian and Class Commander) and was sworn as a Deputy Sheriff. Bobby was promoted to the rank of Director in May of 2021 and supervises the Legal Services, Government Affairs, and Records Division. Bobby continues to serve as NCSO’s General Counsel. As restricted by law and the rules regulating The Florida Bar, the NCSO General Counsel is not authorized to provide legal advice to private citizens.
You can contact Director Lippelman by email at: