Introduction of Contraband into a Detention Facility is a violation of Florida State Statute 951.22(1), a third degree felony. Violators will be prosecuted.
Private attorneys or public defenders are allowed to visit at any time.
Visitation with inmates incarcerated at the Nassau County Detention Facility is conducted utilizing a video visitation system.

Video Visitation hours are from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday.
Children of any age are allowed to participate in video visitation when accompanied by an adult.
Inmates are allowed to have visitation with friends and family members that have pre registered through and have set up an account. Visitation will have to be scheduled through this site.. Visitation will be denied when there is reason to believe that such visitation would jeopardize the safety and security of the facility. Visitation will also be denied upon identifying that the visitor is a victim of a violent crime involving the inmate, or if there is an injunction, other legal prohibitions, or a judge’s order for no contact between the visitor and the inmate.
All visitors must be appropriately attired while on the video call. Unacceptable clothing includes, but is not limited to, transparent clothing, tight clothing without proper undergarments, headwear, shorts, , split skirts above mid-thigh, clothing that reveals the buttocks, breasts, back, or stomach. All of the above will be deemed inappropriate at the discretion of the personnel monitoring video visitation.
Behavior of inmates and/or visitors shall be carefully regulated. Loud speech, boisterousness, and obscene behavior or language will not be tolerated.
Any violations of the above during a video visit will cause the call to be terminated. Inmates can lose all video visitation privileges for up to 90 days if violations are made.